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...and counting as of 18 January 2025
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By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About HeartKids

HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by childhood heart disease, one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia. Our purpose is to make a real and lasting impact for the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) community. We seek to give every child, teenager, and adult in Australia with congenital or childhood acquired heart disease a fighting chance to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. Our support is a commitment for life because there is no known cure. People with congenital heart disease face unique challenges for their entire life.

How it works
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A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Two Feet & A Heartbeat Walk

For families to pay tribute to their heart kids and have a moment of reflection for our Heart Angels. The broader community are encouraged to join the walk.


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Meet Inayah

Inayah has a rare heart condition call Hetrotaxy Sydrome, so rare only one in 200,000 girls are diagnosed with it. Inayah has had six surgeries to date including a valve repair and a pacemaker.


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Meet Xavier

On the day he was born, Xavier required a balloon septosomy and a week later underwent open heart surgery. The diagnosis has had an ongoing impact on the entire Horsley family.

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