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So far have raised
...and counting as of 18 January 2025
Help make a difference

By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About Little Wings

Little Wings is a non profit organisation that provides free, professional and safe flight and ground transport services for sick children in rural and regional NSW. We strive to ease the journey and help sick children access specialised medical services and treatments that are only available in major cities or towns. We do everything we can to support families by easing the financial burden, emotional strain and travel fatigue that they experience due to the long-distance travel associated with receiving vital medical treatment.

How it works
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Nominate or choose a Good Cause that is important to you at checkout.

A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Family time

Helping families with regular, ongoing medical appointments to travel with ease, and we offer a welcome break to children during their treatment, by bringing them home for some much-needed quality time with family and friends.

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Meaningful support

Proudly supporting children experiencing serious illness across all domains, from the physical to the psychological. Ultimately, working to ensure that we support in meaningful ways, appreciating the complex impact serious and chronic illness have on children and their families.

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Little Wings have a fleet of twin engine Beechcraft Baron B58 aircraft equipped for instrument flight conditions including GPS navigation.

Be part of something Better
raised for Good Causes